August 29 - September 2, Paris, France
Established in 1921, CIGRE is a global community committed to the collaborative development and sharing of power system expertise. The community features thousands of professionals from over 90 countries and 1,250 member organizations, including some of the world's leading experts.
Over the last 100 years, the work of CIGRE has contributed to many of the key technical cornerstones of the modern power system. CIGRE's renowned publications, developed through the collaborative sharing of "real world experiences", are in many cases the authoritative source of reference information.
This conference and exhibition include oral and poster paper submissions and discussions and a large exhibition focusing on electric high voltage equipment. Study Committee C4 covers the EMC topic and many working groups are active in the field of EMC.
Over 300 international companies, technology and service providers will be exhibiting their latest offer. And over 160 working meetings, 30 Study Committee sessions and around 400 papers focus on and discuss the association's 16 fields of activities.
For more information on the event website: