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APRE YP Campaign held in Shenzhen
China Standardization 2024-07-02

Jointly supported by the Secretariat of IEC and SAC, the 2024 Asia Pacific Regional Young Professional (APRE YP) Campaign was successfully held in Shenzhen from June 25 to 30. The event was hosted by the Quality and Standards Academy, Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU), guided by the IEC Asia-Pacific Regional Center and the IEC Academy & Capacity Building.

The 6-day event included roundtable discussion, theme discussion, expert lectures, business practice, and other activities, which were participated by 27 young experts from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Russia, and China.

The campaign was participated by Vimal Mahendru, IEC Vice-President and Chair of the Standardization Management Board, Dennis Chew, Director of IEC Asia-Pacific Regional Center, Ian Gardner, Head of IEC Academy & Capacity Building, David Nix, IEC Digital Transformation Officer, and other IEC officials. Also, authorities from the Standards Innovative Management Department of SAMR, SZTU, and Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation attended the event, together with chairs of TCs in fields including electric transporting appliance, brain-computer interfaces, and medical equipment.

At the 2023 Qingdao Forum on International Standardization, Philippe Metzger, IEC Secretary-General, announced the IEC Statement on Support for Standardization Capacity Building in China, which set up the mechanism to select Chinese experts for the Young Professional Programme.

The 2024 APRE YP Campaign provides a platform for the communication and cooperation among young experts in the Asia-Pacific region, and promotes more young Chinese experts to actively participate in IEC international standardization activities and make contributions.

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