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ISO standard on braking system of railway vehicles released
China Standardization 2024-05-03

ISO 24221:2024, Railway applications—Braking system—General requirements, the first of its kind, was recently released. With the leading efforts of National Railway Administration of China, China has made new breakthrough in railway international standardization by the development of the international standard.

ISO 24221:2024 lays out the top-level criterion of braking systems of railway vehicles, and specifies the technical requirements of braking systems including design, general safety, braking control, anti-skid protection, wheel-rail adhesion, and rescue braking. Covering high-speed trains, locomotives, passenger trains, freight trains, and urban rail transit vehicles, it is applicable to the life cycle of braking systems for rolling stock including design, manufacturing, and usage.

The standard absorbs standards of Europe, Japan and other regions, and integrates internationally accepted control technologies and Chinese braking technologies, to provide technical support for improving the braking ability of rolling stock and guaranteeing the safety of transit, which fills the gap in the top-level system in this field.

Hosted by China with the involvement of many experts from locomotive research institutions and relevant companies, the development of ISO 24221:2024 gathered 53 experts from 12 countries, including Germany, France, the U.S., the U.K., Japan, and South Korea.

With the support of National Railway Administration and railway-related institutions, China has become one of the most active countries in ISO/TC 269, Railway applications, the sole ISO committee for rail transit. China has participated in the development of 35 current standards within ISO/TC 269, and contributed to 6 of them with leading efforts. The National Railway Administration will continue to take part in international standards development and revision of ISO, to share China’s achievements and experiences in railway development.

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