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Three working groups on commercial aerospace established
China Standardization 2024-07-13

In order to implement the spirits of the Central Economic Work Conference and systematically promote the standardization work of commercial aerospace, SAC/TC 425, Space technology and operation, recently established three working groups for emerging fields and strategic emerging industries related to commercial aerospace.

The work scope of WG 1 on commercial aircraft launching covers the standards research, development and revision for operation support, process, industrial chains, and other fields of launching. It is also responsible for the updating of standards documents published by correspondent international standardization organizations for further analysis and adoption.

WG 2 on the application of satellite internet is responsible for the research, development and revision of standards in areas such as the application scenarios and demands, functions and process, interfaces and data forms of satellite internet. Its first batch of members consists of 29 service providers, operators, equipment manufacturers, and parties representing public interests in this field.

WG 3 on space-based remote sensing services takes charge of standards research, development and revision on the service system, service support, mission planning, on-board processing, and end-to-end remote sensing services.

The national standards system on aerospace covers six aspects, including fundamental aerospace management, aerospace product assurance, aerospace system development, space data and information transmission, space security and sustainability, and aerospace services and application. The three new working groups are expected to effectively coordinate international standards, national standards and association standards, to fully exert the role of standardization in new technologies, services, and applications of aerospace, and boost the scientific, standardized, and high-quality development of commercial aerospace industry.

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