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Leveraging collaboration for smart city standards Leveraging collaboration for smart city standards

Given that cities are made up of individual though interconnected systems that must be addressed holistically, the IEC set up its SyC for Smart Cities.

Key Words:smart city

A governance framework for cyber security A governance framework for cyber security

ISO/IEC 27014 defines cyber security governance as the "system by which an organization's information security systems are directed and controlled".

Key Words:cyber,security

International Standardization Forum 2022 held in Nanjing International Standardization Forum 2022 held in Nanjing

International Standardization Forum 2022 was convened on August 20 in Nanjing, Jiangsu province.

Key Words:IEC,forum

Qingdao hosts forum on standardization of management system Qingdao hosts forum on standardization of management system

The 5th China Forum on Standardization of Management System was held on August 10-11 in Qingdao, Shandong province.

Key Words:management

Europe revises a series of standards for railway Europe revises a series of standards for railway

Ensuring the electrical compatibility between rolling stock and electric traction systems is crucial for organizing a railway network.

Key Words:railway,electricity

Revised mandatory national standard for IT released Revised mandatory national standard for IT released

The newly revised mandatory national standard, GB 18030-2022 will come into effect on August 1, 2023.

Key Words:IT

European trials focus on managing drones in city skies European trials focus on managing drones in city skies

A new Europe-wide drone project that tests how to safely integrate drones into urban airspaces has kicked off.

Key Words:drone

SAMR promotes the consumption of household appliances SAMR promotes the consumption of household appliances

To stimulate consumption and prosper industries, the State Council emphasizes the potential of green and intelligent household appliances.

Key Words:appliance

How IEC Standards and conformity assessment support EVs How IEC Standards and conformity assessment support EVs

Analysts are predicting that EVs could achieve 33% of the global vehicle market by 2028 and over 50% by 2035.

Key Words:EV

Standards Australia will embrace its 100th birthday Standards Australia will embrace its 100th birthday

2022 marks Standards Australia's 100th birthday.

Key Words:Australia

Improving biodiversity by protecting pandas & habitats Improving biodiversity by protecting pandas & habitats

Giant panda, with distinctive black and white coat, is adored by the world and regarded as the national treasure of China.

Key Words:biodiversity,panda

Standards facilitate better biodiversity conservation Standards facilitate better biodiversity conservation

China has made historic achievements in ecological conservation and restoration over the past decade.

Key Words:biodiversity

Biodiversity conservation enables a beautiful China Biodiversity conservation enables a beautiful China

As one of the first countries to sign the Convention on Biological Diversity, China has always attached great importance to biodiversity conservation, achieving substantial progress on a distinctively Chinese path.

Key Words:biodiversity

Voices about standards in the Two Sessions Voices about standards in the Two Sessions

Political, business and social elites across the country gathered in Beijing in early March, discussing the key topics of social concerns.

Key Words:Two Sessions

Two Sessions 2022 at a glance Two Sessions 2022 at a glance

The Two Sessions, the top political advisory body, were convened in Beijing from March 4 to March 11, 2022.

Key Words:Two Sessions

Global experts gathered online for better usage of energy Global experts gathered online for better usage of energy

The meeting focused on the cooperation of APEC economies in the field of energy efficiency and conservation.

Key Words:energy

The meeting on enterprise standard "forerunner" system held The meeting on enterprise standard "forerunner" system held

The 2022 High-quality Development Exchange Meeting, which is also the press conference on the "forerunners" of enterprise standards was held online on March 30.

Key Words:forerunner

Evaluating smart cities Evaluating smart cities

The NIST in the United States has recently released a measurement framework to help assess smart cities.

Key Words:smart city

China settles theme of the World Metrology Day China settles theme of the World Metrology Day

May 20 is the 23rd Word Metrology Day.

Key Words:standards

Pay attention to water resource on World Water Day Pay attention to water resource on World Water Day

The UN-Water Groundwater Summit will define actions towards more responsible and sustainable use and protection of water resource.

Key Words:water

Beijing 2022 Games fuel the ice and snow industry Beijing 2022 Games fuel the ice and snow industry

Sports and tourism in winter have fueled the development of ice and snow industry in China.

Key Words:Olympics,sport

A further step in Greater Bay Area A further step in Greater Bay Area

The Council for the Promotion of Standardization in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was set up on February 21.

Key Words:Greater Bay

National standard for disabled athletes released National standard for disabled athletes released

To encourage more disable people engage in winter sports, GB/T 16931-2022, Classification of winter para sports athletes, was published.

Key Words:Olympics,sport

Regulations for mobile live broadcast are coming Regulations for mobile live broadcast are coming

Standards for the experience of short videos and live broadcasts are under development.

Key Words:video

ISO/TS on university business collaboration to be developed ISO/TS on university business collaboration to be developed

China has submitted the proposal of ISO/TS 44006, Collaborative business relationship management.

Key Words:business,university

Development Plan for Financial Standardization published Development Plan for Financial Standardization published

The Plan is designed to regulate a sound standards system for the high-quality development of the financial industry.

Key Words:finance

Gas cylinder standards system boosts tech advancement Gas cylinder standards system boosts tech advancement

China has always attached great importance to the safety management of gas cylinders.

Key Words:CSSD,gas

Cyber security: protecting biometric information Cyber security: protecting biometric information

IEC/ISO 24745 offers guidance on the protection of biometric information.

Key Words:biometric,security,privacy

Shanghai publishes a plan for standardization development Shanghai publishes a plan for standardization development

Shanghai published the Standardization Development Action Plan.

Key Words:Shanghai

Standards facilitate the development of wood industry Standards facilitate the development of wood industry

China's forestry industry has always served as a pillar in the national development.

Key Words:CSSD

China fights against climate change with global allies China fights against climate change with global allies

In the struggle against the grim reality of climate change, few countries are under greater pressure than China to get it right.

Key Words:climate

Smarter markets for an intelligent future Smarter markets for an intelligent future

Some cities in China have been exploring a method to introduce latest technologies into farmer's market.

Key Words:market,agriculture,smart

Chinas fruitful results of intl cooperation on standards China's fruitful results of intl cooperation on standards

The world needs the coordinated development of standards, as standards can promote the interconnectivity of the world.

Key Words:standards,SSD

Green package for a new stage of sustainable development Green package for a new stage of sustainable development

Package production plays an increasingly important role in boosting national economy and catering to people's mental and material demands.

Key Words:CSSD

SAC sets up a working group on agricultural modernization SAC sets up a working group on agricultural modernization

SAC/SWG 23, Specialized agricultural service, was set up on January 25 in Beijing.

Key Words:agriculture

Standards for safer household appliances Standards for safer household appliances

Since 1970, the IEC has published a series of standards to ensure the safety of household appliances

Key Words:appliance

Standards for a circular economy Standards for a circular economy

The circular economy offers a new approach to achieving sustainable economic growth.

Key Words:waste,eco-friendly

Message from new ISO President Ulrika Francke Message from new ISO President Ulrika Francke

This January 2022, Ulrika Francke has begun her new role as ISO President.

Key Words:ISO

Better protect and use geographical indications Better protect and use geographical indications

The 14th Five-Year Plan on the Protection and Use of Geographical Indications is published.

Key Words:GI,plan

A new IEC commented standard for measuring machinery noise A new IEC commented standard for measuring machinery noise

It is important to measure machines' noise level, to identify sources or situations where noise might be an issue.

Key Words:noise,IEC

Beijing 2022: a sustainable event for all Beijing 2022: a sustainable event for all

Sustainability is a key concern for the Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

Key Words:Olympics,sport

National Standardization Work Conference Held in Beijing National Standardization Work Conference Held in Beijing

The national standardization work conference was held in Beijing on January 14, 2022.

Key Words:outline

Chinas 20 years of conformity assessment standardization China's 20 years of conformity assessment standardization

Conformity assessment has an essential property of delivering trust and serving development, which is considered as the certificate of compliance in quality management and market economy and a passport for international trade.

Key Words:China's standards story in dec

Have a look at the achievements of IEC/TC 14 in 2021 Have a look at the achievements of IEC/TC 14 in 2021

It was a busy year for IEC/TC 14. The committee published three standards in 2021, new editions which are expected to fill an important gap for users in the market.

Key Words:IEC,electric device

Chinese expert shares experience on SenseAsia 2021 Chinese expert shares experience on SenseAsia 2021

The 4th Asian Sensory and Consumer Research Symposium (SenseAsia 2021) was held online.

Key Words:study,SenseAsia

Under the new normal: manage risk with ISO standard Under the new normal: manage risk with ISO standard

ISO 31000:2018 assists organizations on how to integrate an effective decision-making framework.

Key Words:risk management

Standard helps internet corp deal with complaints Standard helps internet corp deal with complaints

An association standard was officially published by the ISC.

Key Words:digital,internet,service

ISO standard guarantees safety in space ISO standard guarantees safety in space

ISO/TR 16158 provides agreed ways to ensure the space environment is used safely and effectively.

Key Words:space

Chinese expert committee of IEC/SyC SM established Chinese expert committee of IEC/SyC SM established

The 2021 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference was held on December 8-10 in Nanjing.

Key Words:intelligent,manufacturing

Tianjin Eco-city selected as typical case of ISO standard Tianjin Eco-city selected as typical case of ISO standard

The China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City serves as the single city case embodied in ISO 37106:2021.

Key Words:eco,intelligent

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